Welcome to Torno’s community policy, which is an integral part of our Terms of Use accessible here. If you use the Torno App (hereinafter referred to as the “App”), this community policy applies to you. Please note that we may update the community policy from time to time and we encourage you to periodically review the same. The App is a platform where gaming meets excitement, competition, and boundless benefits! Step into a world where the thrill of competition and the joy of gaming come together in perfect harmony, all within the convenience of your mobile device. The App isn’t just another gaming app—it is a vibrant and dynamic platform designed to bring together players from all walks of life whether for the thrill of participating in competitive tournaments, for some casual gameplay, and unforgettable experiences. With a diverse range of games, engaging tournaments, and exciting benefits, the App offers something for everyone, whether you are a seasoned gamer or just looking to have some fun. We need your help to keep it that way. Our community policy applies to all users of the App, including its services and environments. This community policy is indicative in nature on how you should interact when inside the App’s ecosystem. Although we have included specific examples below, you are expected to treat others how you would like to be treated and just because something is not specifically called out in this community policy, does not mean it is okay. Users who do not follow the community policy will be reprimanded, have their access to features of the App restricted, shadow banned, have their account suspended, or even have their account terminated permanently, sometimes without any warning, and you may not be able to create a new account on the App.

  1. Fair Play
  2. We are committed to the cause of maintaining the sanctity of clean and fair play on the App. In light of the same, we reserve our right to monitor the App in accordance with our Privacy Policy to identify the User’s activities on the App which may constitute any form of dishonesty, fraud, or other similar activities which might impact the spirit of gaming. In addition to this, we expect you to follow the rules listed below –

    • You are expected to compete in tournaments with honesty and refrain from any form of cheating, hacking, griefing, and exploiting glitches or bugs. If you discover any glitches, bugs, or loopholes in the App’s ecosystem, report it immediately to us by contacting us.
    • You are forbidden from utilising any code and/or software not authorised by the App that can be used in connection with the App and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other activities, including gaining unfair advantage, manipulate any tournament stats, game stats, and/or manipulate game data. This includes without limitation use of any trainers, leaderboard hacks, stat hacks, or using any other unauthorized software/tool to unjustly enrich yourself or prejudicially affect other users of the App.
    • You are forbidden from allowing anyone else to participate in any tournaments on your behalf. Further, you are forbidden from using any other user’s account on the App, to play games and participate in tournaments.
    • You must not interfere with gameplay of other users on the App.
    • You are forbidden from abusing the reporting system with a malicious intent also known as false reporting against other users and/or falsely spam reporting legitimate users to negatively impact their gameplay experience.
    • You must not register or create more than 1 (one) account on the App.
    • Using tools or techniques to alter or falsify your location.
  3. Discriminatory behaviour and illegal activities
  4. Respect for fellow users and all local laws is paramount. We celebrate diversity and welcome users from all walks of life. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic is strictly prohibited. We are committed to making gaming accessible to all. Our App strives to accommodate users with varying abilities and ensure that everyone can enjoy our games and tournaments. In light of the same, every user is expected to follow the rules listed below–

    • Always be kind, respectful and forgiving. Do not take advantage of fellow users or employ deceptive practices including seeking account information and buying or selling of accounts or personal information. Activity or behaviour that promotes or assists in illegal activity or facilitates transaction of prohibited goods.
    • Any form of harassment, trolling, marginalisation, intimidation, bullying, hate speech, violence or any other form of discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated. Every user deserves to feel safe and respected within our community. You are not allowed to make threats of violence or threaten dangerous behaviour including promoting or encouraging terrorism, bigotry, belittling and/or mistreating other users, mass violence, physical harm, torture, self-harm, suicide, blackmail, extortion, predatory, invasive of privacy or any other illegal behaviour. Any form of threat of harm to yourself or fellow users is taken seriously, so do not make them, especially as a joke.
    • You are not allowed to use slurs, profanity targeting a person or group of people, send unsolicited sexual messages, or content glorifying the suffering of any group of people.
    • You are not allowed to share any libelous or defamatory statements, encourage self-harm or suicide, make inappropriate requests for information, impersonate others to harass users.
    • You are prohibited from promoting any form of sexual or lewd material including content that encourages or celebrates sexual violence, exploitation, prostitution, sex trade and/or sexual relations with minor.
    • You are prohibited from encouraging illegal activities within the App ecosystem including gambling, drug use, phishing, human trafficking, doxing, and swatting.
    • You are never allowed to share other people’s personal information other than their username/display name, and we strongly encourage you not to share yours. Sharing and/or threatening to share personal information of any user including real name, real world location, account details and financial information is strictly prohibited. It doesn’t matter if this information is your own or if it belongs to others - just do not share it.
    • You are not allowed to impersonate other players, streamers, celebrities, government officials, Torno’s employees, or anyone else. Further, you are not allowed to take credit for another player or entity’s creation. Pretending to be someone else in order to deceive or defraud others is not okay.
    • If you are around other users who are violating the community policy, please remove yourself from the situation and don’t engage. Report the situation to us promptly.
    • As with any mobile app, our App should not be used while driving a vehicle.
  5. Privacy and Data Security
  6. We value user privacy and confidentiality. To know more about our privacy and data security practices, please read our Privacy Policy which is accessible here.
    Users are reminded to refrain from sharing personal information, such as real names, addresses, or contact details, within the App. Any unauthorized sharing of personal data may result in disciplinary action. Keep account information safe and private. Giving access to your account puts you at risk. If something seems suspicious or too good to be true, it probably is. There is no such thing as free game coins. Do not share your account information or account information of others. When engaging in transactions within the App, such as redeeming game coins, users should exercise caution and ensure the security of their account information. The App will never request sensitive information outside of the designated App interfaces.
  7. Conduct Within Tournaments
  8. Users must adhere to the rules and regulations governing each tournament. Failure to comply with tournament rules and regulations may result in penalties, including disqualification or loss of game coins so won.
    Good sportsmanship is expected from all participants, regardless of the outcome of a tournament. Users are encouraged to display grace, humility, and respect towards their opponents, maintaining a positive and friendly atmosphere during gameplay.
    User’s conduct within the tournaments must adhere to all the guidelines set out in the community policy.
  9. Referral System
    1. The App’s referral system incentivizes users to invite friends and acquaintances to join the App. However, users are reminded to make referrals in good faith and avoid engaging in fraudulent or deceptive practices to artificially inflate their referral counts by employing tactics including but not limited to creating fake profiles, using virtual sim/e-sims, and using bots or such other automated disruptive or abusive practices.
    2. Crown levels are earned through legitimate means, primarily through successful referrals. Users are advised against engaging in any form of referral manipulation or spamming of referral codes, as such practices undermine the integrity of the referral system.
  10. Game Coins and Transactions
    1. Coins are earned through active participation in tournaments within the App. Users are expected to accumulate game coins only through participation in tournaments that have been unlocked by the users in accordance with the Terms of Use .
    2. Users must refrain from exploiting loopholes or engaging in fraudulent activities to inflate their earnings by indulging in any abusive, illegal, and/or nefarious activities such as but not limited to attempting to gain unfair advantage by exploiting vulnerabilities of other users, manipulating any tournament stats, game stats, or otherwise any kind of manipulation of game data. This includes without limitation use of any trainers, leaderboard hacks, stat hacks, or using any other unauthorized software/tool to unjustly enrich yourself or prejudicially affect other users of the App. If you discover any glitches, bugs, or loopholes in the App’s ecosystem, report it immediately to us by contacting us.
    3. Users may redeem their accumulated game coins for benefits provided within the App, such as Amazon gift cards. It is essential to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined for each redemption option and refrain from engaging in unauthorized transactions or trading game coins outside of the designated App interface.
  11. Active Member Engagement
  12. Active engagement is key to fostering a vibrant and thriving community. Users are encouraged to participate regularly in tournaments, interact with fellow users, and contribute positively to the overall gaming experience on the App.
  13. Moderation and Enforcement
  14. Users are encouraged to report any instances of any community policy violations or inappropriate conduct to us promptly. Reports may be submitted through the designated reporting channels within the App. However, users must not abuse the report feature with a malicious intent also known as false reporting. Depending on the severity of the infraction including if a user is a repeat offender, disciplinary actions will be taken against your account all the way up to a permanent ban. If your account is permanently banned, you will lose all rights to the game coins on your account and other features as may be available on the App. If it is detected that you are engaged in fraudulent activities across multiple accounts, we may take action against all such accounts.
  15. Community policy for Username and Profile Content
  16. Usernames, profile pictures, or any other content that is deemed inappropriate, offensive, vulgar, racist, sexist, homophobic, or containing hate speech, gore, or excessive violence will not be allowed on the App. This includes but is not limited to display names/usernames or profile pictures that promote or depict violence, discrimination, or contains explicit content. You must address your fellow users by their display name/usernames only, and refrain from using or disclosing the real names of any fellow users in any interaction with other users on the App.
  17. Queries
  18. If you have any questions regarding this community policy, or if you want to report any violations of this community policy, or if you find any illegal, fraudulent, dishonest, or any other unauthorised activities undertaken on the App, or if you feel that you have been wrongfully banned, please contact us at

    Thank you for being part of our community and doing your part to maintain a safe and fun space for everyone.